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26 October, 2008

Husam Musa at PKR's huge final rally

In a last-ditch bid for votes before a midnight curb on campaigning, Anwar held a huge gathering that drew some 10,000 people despite drizzling rain.

Saifuddin Nasution Ismail at PKR's huge final rally

In a last-ditch bid for votes before a midnight curb on campaigning, Anwar held a huge gathering that drew some 10,000 people despite drizzling rain.

Azmin Ali in fiery mood at final ceramah

In a last-ditch bid for votes before a midnight curb on campaigning, Anwar held a huge gathering that drew some 10,000 people despite drizzling rain.

Lim Guan Eng at PKR's huge final rally

In a last-ditch bid for votes before a midnight curb on campaigning, Anwar held a huge gathering that drew some 10,000 people despite drizzling rain.

Lim Kit Siang at PKR's huge final rally

In a last-ditch bid for votes before a midnight curb on campaigning, Anwar held a huge gathering that drew some 10,000 people despite drizzling rain.

Dr Asri Mufti Perlis - Kuliah ALWI/02/07 - Khurafat Di Kalangan Masyarakat Melayu

Kuliah di Masjid Alwi, Kangar, Perlis pada bulan Februari 2007

fitnah mufti perlis terhadap kaum alawiyyin

fitnah terbesar mufti perlis.
Sombong riak dan takabur...

Berani Berubah 3 of 3

Ucapan pengumuman Dato Mukhriz Mahathir menawarkan diri untuk dipilih sebagai Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia di Pondok Maharizan, Titi Gajah, Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman.

Berani Berubah 2 of 3

Ucapan pengumuman Dato Mukhriz Mahathir menawarkan diri untuk dipilih sebagai Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia di Pondok Maharizan, Titi Gajah, Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman.

Berani Berubah 1 of 3

Ucapan pengumuman Dato Mukhriz Mahathir menawarkan diri untuk dipilih sebagai Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia di Pondok Maharizan, Titi Gajah, Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman.

Berani Berubah - Dato' Mukhriz Tun Mahathir

Pengumunan Dato' Mukhriz sebagai calon Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia

Mukhriz's press conference causes a stir

A drama of sorts unfolded at a press conference by newly-elected Jerlun MP Mukhriz Mahathir today.

The media was alerted to cover the press conference where Mukhriz, youngest son of ex-premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, was scheduled to speak at 3pm at a hotel in Seberang Jaya, Penang.

Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim Selangor MB's Deepavali message

Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim gives a Deepavali message

Dr Masyitah - Ummu Hadhari

Mufti Perlis Bapak Setan - Badrul Amin

Ulama agung Parti Keadilan Rakyat yang juga Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi (MPT) parti tersebut tanpa segan silu memaki hamun dan memperlekehkan Mufti Perlis, Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin dalam satu ceramah Pas dan PKR di Kelantan.

19 October, 2008


Kepada Tuhan Saya Berserah

Dengan segala takzim dan rendah hati saya menawarkan diri untuk bertanding jawatan Presiden UMNO dalam pemilihan Mac 2009 kelak.

Maklumat Peribadi ::
Nama :
Dato' Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Abdul Razak
Tarikh Lahir :
23 Julai 1953
Tempat Lahir :
Kuala Lipis, Pahang

Status Perkahwinan :
Berkahwin dengan Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor
5 orang cahayamata (3 lelaki dan 2 perempuan)
1. Mohd. Nizar
2. Puteri Norliza
3. Mohd.. Nasifuddin
4. Nooriyana Najwa
5. Norashman Razak
Pendidikan :
1974 - B.A. (Hons) Industrial Economic - Nottingham University, United Kingdom
Portfolio :
Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Pertahanan
Alamat Pejabat :
Pejabat Timbalan Perdana Menteri,
Aras 4, Blok Barat,
Bangunan Perdana Putra,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia
No Telefon :
No Faks :

:: Kerjaya ::

Timbalan Perdana Menteri

Menteri Kewangan

1999 - 2008
Menteri Pertahanan

1995 - 1999
Menteri Pendidikan

1990 - 1995
Menteri Pertahanan

1987 - 1990
Menteri Belia dan Sukan

1986 - 1987
Menteri Kebudayaan Belia dan Sukan

1982 - 1986
Menteri Besar Pahang

1982 - 1986
Pengerusi Lembaga Kemajuan Negeri Pahang

1982 - 1986
Pengerusi Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan

1981 - 1982
Timbalan Menteri Kewangan

1980 - 1981
Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan

1978 - 1980
Timbalan Menteri Tenaga, Telekomunikasi dan Pos

1974 - 1976
Eksekutif Petronas

:: Politik ::

Sept. 2004
Timbalan Presiden

1993 - Sept. 2004
Naib Presiden

Pengerusi Biro Pendidikan

1988 - 1993
Ketua Pemuda

April 1987
Memangku Ketua Pemuda

Pengerusi BN Negeri Pahang

1986 - 1987
Timbalan Ketua Pemuda

1983 - 1988
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perhubungan UMNO Negeri Pahang

1982 - 1983
Timbalan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perhubungan UMNO Negeri Pahang

1982 - kini
Ketua UMNO kawasan Pekan, Pahang

1980 - 1982
Timbalan Ketua, UMNO kawasan Pekan, Pahang

1978 - 1986
Ahli EXCO Pemuda UMNO Pusat

1976 - 1980
Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO kawasan Pekan, Pahang

:: Sosial ::

1980 - kini
Ahli Kehormat FreeMason Malaysia

Presiden SEAMEC

1988 - 1996
Pengerusi Yayasan Gerak Bakti Kebangsaan

1982 - 1986
Pengerusi Pahang Foundation

1977 - 1979
Pengerusi Majuternak

1977 - 1979
Persatuan Belia Malaysia

Ahli Royal Sentul Golf Club

Ahli Royal Selangor Golf Club

Ahli Raintree Club

Ahli Royal Pahang Golf Club

Ahli Subang Golf Club

Ahli Saujana Resort (M) Bhd

Ahli Royal Darul Makmur Golf Club

Ahli Lake Club Club

Ahli Air Force Recreational Club

Saya telah diserang oleh musuh-musuh saya kononnya saya mengamalkan upacara agama Hindu. Semua bolehlah merujuk kepada Dato' Sri S Samy Vellu yang mana beliau boleh mengesahkan bahawa saya tidak pernah bersama-sama dengan beliau di sebarang majlis upacara agama Hindu. Saya sanggup bersumpah dengan nama Tuhan bahawa saya adalah seorang Muslim yang beriman denganNya.

Saya terus dikaitkan dengan pembunuhan Altantuya. Saya sekali lagi ingin bersumpah dengan nama Tuhan bahawa saya tidak pernah mengenali darihal Altantuya. Saya sanggup dihadapkan ke mana-mana mahkamah demi membersihkan semula nama saya yang cuba dicemari oleh mereka yang iri hati kepada pencapaian saya selama ini dalam membangunkan bangsa dan negara. Saya ingin menafikan komunikasi SMS saya dengan peguam Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah mempunyai sebarang unsur salah guna kuasa.

Saya ingin menafikan sekeras-kerasnya berkenaan dakwaan saya terlibat dalam skandal perolehan helikopter Eurocopter Cougar EC-725. Ianya dibuat melalui proses dan peraturan seperti yang ditetapkan. Kementerian Pertahanan menerima keputusan dan persetujuan dari Kementerian Kewangan untuk memilih tender Eurocopter dan Kementerian Pertahanan mengeluarkan LOI kepada penender itu pada 15 September 2008. LOI boleh dikeluarkan pada bila-bila masa dan secara kebetulan ia dikeluarkan pada 15 September 2008. Saya ingin menyatakan kesediaan saya untuk disiasat oleh PAC atau BPR!

Saya mempunyai keyakinan yang tinggi bahawa Perwakilan khususnya amat bijak dalam membuat pilihan mereka untuk menentukan pemimpin pada Mac depan.. Mereka bijak menilai siapakah pemimpin sebenar yang membela bangsa dan siapakah yang pernah belot kepada perjuangan Umno dan menjadi agen negara asing.

Saya akan mempertahankan ketuanan Melayu sehingga ke titis darah yang terakhir sekiranya saya mendapat mandat Perwakilan Umno sebagai Presiden Umno pada Pemilihan Mac 2009. Inilah janji dan ikrar saya kepada Almarhum ayahanda saya sebelum beliau meninggal dunia.
Saya akan membentuk Majlis Penasihat Presiden dengan dianggotai oleh tokoh-tokoh Umno yang telah bersara terutamanya bekas Perdana Menteri bagi menghargai pandangan dan idea mereka dalam membawa negara mencapai Wawasan 2020. Saya akan memastikan bahawa keluarga saya tidak akan terlibat dalam perniagaan atau campur tangan dalam urusan pentadbiran negara. Saya akan menunaikan tanggungjawab saya tanpa sebarang pengaruh negara luar.
Kita sedar bahawa BN agak tercalar sedikit dalam keputusan Pilihanraya Umum Mac lepas. Saya akan melakukan apa sahaja bagi mengembalikan kegemilangan Umno dan Barisan Nasional. Saya tidak akan teragak-agak untuk menggunakan apa cara sekalipun bagi menghapuskan elemen-elemen perosak kestabilan dan keamanan dalam negara.
Akhir sekali saya ingin menyatakan kesediaan saya untuk bekerjasama dengan mana-mana pemimpin Umno yang mendapat mandat Perwakilan Mac depan. Masa depan bangsa yang bersifat "Glokal" akan terus megah berdiri dalam mengharungi arus globalisasi.
Kepada Tuhan saya berserah!

Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting - Restore confidence in Barisan

Sunday October 19, 2008

‘Restore confidence in Barisan’

Policy speech by MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting at MCA's 55th annual general assembly Saturday.

ON behalf of the MCA party, I convey my deepest appreciation to Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman, for being here with us once again and for officiating MCA’s 55th annual general assembly on this auspicious morning. I also welcome and extend my gratitude to Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, the Deputy Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional deputy chairman as well as to all leaders and representatives from Barisan Nasional component parties for attending MCA’s annual general assembly this morning.

Honoured ladies and gentlemen,

Ong speaking at the MCA annual general assembly Saturday. - Glenn Guan / The Star
It is a historic moment to have Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as our honoured guest who will officiate the MCA general assembly. This is because this is the last time he will officiate MCA’s general assembly and this is also my last MCA general assembly as president of the party.

On behalf of MCA, I wish to take this opportunity to convey my highest appreciation to Datuk Seri Abdullah for all the help and support he has given to the MCA thus far as Prime Minister in tackling the various challenges faced by the Chinese community specifically and also the Malaysian community on the whole.

The MCA appreciates the Prime Minister’s sincerity and determination in his commitment to continue several important efforts before he retires.

Among them are the judicial reform, the reform and enhancement of anti-corruption efforts and reforming the police force.

The MCA welcomes the Prime Minister’s commitment to these important efforts and hopes that component parties will be truly involved in an effective manner to fix all current weaknesses in these three fields so that we can restore public confidence in Barisan.

I previously represented MCA in raising several suggestions in Parliament on April 30, this year, on these three issues:

> MCA suggested that the Government enhance the judiciary system including setting up a Judicial Commission that is truly independent so that issues regarding the appointment and promotion of judges can be done in a transparent manner without taking into account race or religion. The Barisan government should enhance the judiciary system to restore the people’s confidence.

> The MCA hopes that efforts to curb corruption especially the restructuring of the Anti-Corruption Agency via the setting up of the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Comm-ission will be truly effective in preventing and combating corruption. It is high time for us to act firmly without taking into account which side is involved in the corruption, be it political leaders, influential people or those in high positions. The performance and achievements of organisations such as the ICAC in Hong Kong should be used as a reference in our efforts to improve ways to combat corruption.

> Security problems and the effectiveness in combating crime is closely related with the efficiency of the police force and public awareness. The Government should have a more open attitude towards the 125 suggestions by the Royal Police Commission to create a police force that is more efficient, transparent, not corrupted, professional and fair. One reform that will convince the people is to reconsider the suggestion to set up the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).

Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, please act firmly in bringing changes and reforms to these three important issues. The rakyat are really anticipating it. MCA will continue to be with our two leaders in making these reform efforts a success.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Malaysians of various races have sent us a strong signal through the voting trends in the results of the 12th general election on March 8. From the feedback received by the MCA, the rakyat have a negative perception towards the Barisan government in various aspects during the last general election. Among them are:-

> They are not satisfied with the problem of corruption and misuse of power by politicians and government officers. Those entrusted to hold this trust seemed to have broken the trust of the people. There is also a very negative perception towards the non-transparent manner in the awarding of government contracts and there were also leakages in the use of government allocations when implementing development projects, acquisitions or services.

> They feel disgusted and angry that a handful of politicians in Barisan had been arrogant and passionate in making statements or speeches that were racially-motivated or had threatened other races. There were also some politicians who became very wealthy not long after holding a party position or being made local councillors.

> Many people are also worried about their safety and the safety of their loved ones especially when they kept reading crime-related news like cases of snatch theft, robbery, break-ins, assault and murder.

> The increase in the price of goods and higher cost of living following the higher fuel prices even before March 8 has inconvenienced the people especially the low and medium income earners, a group which represents the majority of our population.

> The handling of religious issues by the authorities often show that the freedom of religion is not practised as stated by government leaders including the Prime Minister.

> Many non-bumiputra traders, entrepreneurs, developers or investors constantly feel frustrated because they feel constrained and they are not being treated fairly by certain ministries, departments or government agencies in the issuance of licenses, permits, loans or tender opportunities.

The relevant authorities seem to enjoy using excuses of government economic policies based on prejudicial interpretation and narrow-minded thinking. In this event, the MCA has corrected several issues at the Cabinet level or through discussions with the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister.

Among the examples are the relaxing of government procurement and services policy to enable non-bumiputras to participate in the activities for limits below RM50,000 per item and to prevent the authorities from attempting to impose guidelines to curb foreign investment in the distributive trade.

If we want to ensure that our economy grows at a satisfactory rate, we must ensure that all traders, entrepreneurs and investors, small or big, are able to participate in all sectors in the economic development of our country.

The implementation of an affirmative economic policy should be based on a principle that does not sideline others and it should be done by making the economic cake bigger and by encouraging joint ventures between races. The implementation of this policy should not limit any trader or investor who tries to expand their business or investment based on success achieved by their own efforts.

The Barisan Government should re-look and re-evaluate the various weaknesses or misappropriation in the implementation of the economic policy which is different from what was promised to our multi-racial community. It is time the Government liberalise the economic policy to make Malaysia truly competitive.

> The issue of building new SJK(C) and the lack of development allocations for SJK(C), SJK(T) and mission schools have also been raised by the Chinese and Indian communities. Before the general election, the Government approved the building of six new SJK(C) and the relocation of 13 SJK(C). Recently, the MCA suggested that the Government fund the construction costs and rebuild these SJK(C) as soon as possible. Besides that, the MCA also suggested that the Government institutionalise the building of new SJK(C) where needed and always provide sufficient allocations.

There are other matters that I do not have the time to raise. Actually, all the issues I have raised are issues that had caused the loss of votes for Barisan in the last general election.

What is worrying the MCA is that although we have raised these issues many times to be addressed by the Government, the solution has not been satisfactory. The situation is worsened when the public have the perception that the power sharing within Barisan is actually not effective or fair.

Umno is seen as a party that is far more dominant than other component parties. The Barisan leadership needs to fix this situation through a practice that includes the involvement of component parties when making all important decisions. It should not be seen as if Umno is the only party that decides on important policies and other parties are only asked to defend it later in the spirit of Barisan. The power sharing slogan that is often spoken of is still seen as a mouthed slogan only. I have led MCA for almost five years and five months. The MCA central committee members and I have worked tirelessly and have discussed these important issues for at least five to six hours during each of our meetings.

Many MCA presidential council meetings have also been held to focus attention on issues that are not only related to the important rights of the Chinese community but also related to many universal issues that the non-Chinese are paying attention to.

We have tried our best to tackle various issues but as long as there is no solution that convinces the people, then we will not get their support.

Prime Minister, I still remember two days after I made the announcement not to defend my position as MCA president,

I went to see you to inform you of my decision as a sign of respect. In that meeting, you said that when I was no longer the MCA president, I will be able to hear more feedback from the common people. You told me to keep you informed of what the people said. I wish to state here that what I have touched on just now is really the feedback that I heard from the people. I did not have to wait until I stopped being the MCA president.

Actually, in the last seven months or so, my life is like an ordinary person, that is without any protocol or being escorted by bodyguards or security guards.

I am always eating and drinking at the same table and breathing together with ordinary people so much so that they are not shy to express their feelings to me. All of us in Barisan must seriously consider the people’s grouses and act effectively to bring about changes.

Barisan must change before we are changed or replaced. From the March 8 general election until now, the people’s perception has yet to change and Barisan reforms have yet to show results.

Half-truth political criticisms have confused the rakyat and have raised many questions.

The recent use of the ISA on those who did not jeopardise the country’s safety has brought a very negative effect towards the Government.

MCA suggests that the Government re-look the ISA in a comprehensive manner. Meanwhile, the use of the ISA that does not follow the objective of the original drafting of the Act should be stopped. This Act is long behind time. It should be replaced by an Act that is not easily misused or causes the people to feel unsafe.

The United States’ financial crisis and its economic effect has not only greatly affected the world economy but can also bring about side-effects to us.

Barisan cannot wait or act slowly. We need to reduce political squabbling in Barisan and within the country. The people are tired and fed up with the tricks and politicking that they read and watch in the media every day.

The Barisan leadership must join forces in providing a more focused leadership and clear direction as well as to be seen as firm and effective in tackling economic challenges and all of its side-effects.

Barisan must also involve experts or professionals and experienced industry representatives to meet and brainstorm ideas so that an action plan can be formulated in a quick and accurate manner. We need to immediately stop giving government contracts or projects through direct negotiations to companies with no solid track record. We need to stop all form of leaks and wastage of government funds and to be thrifty when using taxpayers’ money.

The economic policy has to be further liberalised and the equity condition that limits expansion should be scrapped to enable companies in Malaysia to become more competitive especially given the very challenging economic situation at present.

The Government must re-study the policy on the giving of APs, subsidy and price control. In this context, open market competition should be allowed and at the same time, the Government must channel the appropriate source to the lower income group to ensure they benefit from the expanding economy and are not left out of the country’s economic wealth.

A healthy political culture

Malaysians of all races now want to see a ruling party that is truly clean and trustworthy. The Federal Government formed by Barisan parties must not only be seen as graft-free and trustworthy but it must also be really clean and sincere in its practices and actions.

To successfully restore the image and to give new hope to the people of Malaysia, we need to start by changing and reforming within the component parties of Barisan, especially parties that are the pillars of Barisan - that is Umno, MCA and other influential parties.

MCA’s leadership in the last several years have tried to practise a healthy political culture within the party. A healthy political culture is a culture that is free from corruption and has integrity.

Therefore, I place high hopes that this spirit of a clean and healthy political culture will be strongly supported by all MCA delegates. I am confident that the delegates will realise that any form of unhealthy campaigning such as money politics, twisting of facts and the use of dirty tactics by defaming or hitting below the belt are methods that can damage the party and should be strongly rejected without a doubt.

Today, all MCA members are placing their hope on the delegates to choose a leadership team that is of calibre, integrity, trustworthy, dedicated, honest, effective and one that constantly holds on to pure values. The leadership team that will be chosen has to shoulder a huge responsibility in bringing changes to face the current political challenges that is complex and not easy.

Thus, the central committee that will be formed must always be united and be able to work well with one another.

MCA no longer has the time or space for internal conflicts and bickering within the party given that we are in a political situation that is most challenging.

Datuk Seri, honoured ladies and gentlemen. To be concise with time so that I do not have to repeat my speech all over again in Mandarin after the launch, I will now complete my speech in Mandarin.

17 October, 2008

Singapore became an independent republic

Lee Kuan Yew shouts in support of joining Malaysia


Story about soekarno--the founding father, adn father of nation. Thanks to Dave Lumenta for music remake Soekarno

Sukarno: Pembebasan Irian Barat

Pidato Sukarno pada pelantikan Jend Oemar Dhani, pada saat pembebasan Irian Barat dari pendudukan Belanda

Apakah pidato Abdullah boleh tandingi Soekarno?

ESOK Presiden Umno Abdullah Ahmad Badawi akan membacakan ucapan dasar Presiden Umno. Apakah ucapannya dalam tahun yang penting (50 tahun merdeka) ini boleh menandingi ucapan bekas Presiden Indonesia Soekarno? Soekarno dikenali sebagai tokoh pidato terulang nusantara. Kami paparkan kembali salah satu dari ucapannya bertajuk "Tahun-tahun yang mencabar" untuk dibandingkan dengan Abdullah.

Soekarno Pidato di Depan Rakyat Jakarta

Soekarno Pidato di Depan Rakyat Jakarta

Sukarno - Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia

Proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia oleh Soekarno didampingi oleh Mohammad Hatta pada 17 Agustus 1945.

Proclamation of the independence of Indonesia by Soekarno accompanied by Mohammad Hatta at 17 August 1945.

Sidang dengan Bung Karno

Sidang Chuuoo Sangi-in yang ke-6. Dibuat pada 17 November 1944.

Tun Abdul Razak - Malaysia IS for all races-live in peace and prosper together

This is a video footage which I captured from the great video "UMNO 25 Years" produced by RTM.
All Malaysians MUST buy this VCD because the story of Malaya/Malaysia's Merdeka is informed here.I bought at Giant only cost RM6 but the value of this video is X a million times more...
Go get the VCD and see for yourself..

Remembering Malaysian Leaders esp YAB Dato'Onn Jaafar

This is a video footage taken from the classic RTM Documentary titled "UMNO 25 Tahun"
Here you can view the story of how Merdeka became a reality and also watching YAB Dato'Onn Jaafar-UMNO's 1st President speaks during one of his political meeting sessions overseas.
Al-Fatihah to all our beloved Leaders.

The Story of Merdeka and UMNO with YB Senu Abdul Rahman

This is another video footage of the RTM documnetary "UMNO 25 Years".Here you can see our Allahyarham Senu Abdul Rahman speaking his mind about his involvement in UMNO and the Merdeka story...
Al-Fatihah to all our beloved Leaders and Followers.

Story of Merdeka from YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman

Watch this video from RTM about our Bapa Merdeka himself.
Al-Fatihah to YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman and all our beloved Leaders and Rakyat who loved Malaya / Malaysia.

Great Malaysian Leaders-Sardon,Ibu Zain,Senu,etc..

Just watch this video where our beloved Leaders like Allahyarham/Allahyarhamah Sardon,Ibu Zain,Senu talked about their views on Malaya/Malaysian Leadership plus the story of Merdeka....
The story of the songkok Merdeka by Sardon is really interesting..wonder where's the songkok now?
Thank You RTM for producing this special documentary of "UMNO 25 Years."

What it means to be a Leader-views from Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Abdul Razak

This is the video footage of the views of YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman and YAB Tun Abdul Razak-our beloved PMs'
It is important for UMNO Leadership to take note the "original mission" of UMNO and also towards "nation building"
It is more of WE rather than I in Leadership of any particular party or organisation.
If the people want YOU than you have your TEAM to depend on otherwise it is only YOU that is crazy or dream to be a Leader when actually nobody wants you!
Let's learn from history especially from YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman and YAB Tun Abdul Razak thoughts about Great Malaysian Leadership that is important for the People,Nation and Future...
Get rid of Greed,Selfishness,Power Crazy,Insincere and many other negative things....
Thank You RTM for this great documentary.

14 October, 2008

Azmin Ali : Batu, Kuala Lumpur 11/07/08 - 39 min - Jul 12, 2008

Dinner organized by Batu Division at Sentul, Kuala Lumpur. Azmin Ali is the Vice President of PKR, Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

Anwar Ibrahim: Towards The New Hope

Anwar's speech at PKR keadilan ceramah in Gombak 08/06/2008 mediarakyat

Doa Tun Dr Mahathir Untuk Melayu

Tun Dr Mahathir - Perjuangan Yang Belum Selesai

Perjuangan Yang Belum Selesai
Sesungguhnya tidak ada yang lebih menyayatkan
dari melihat bangsaku dijajah
Tidak ada yang lebih menyedihkan
dari membiarkan bangsaku dihina

Air mata tiada ertinya
sejarah silam tiada maknanya
sekiranya bangsa tercinta terpinggir
dipersenda dan dilupakan

Bukan kecil langkah wira bangsa
para pejuang kemerdekaan
bagi menegakkan kemuliaan
dan darjat bangsa
selangkah beerti mara
mengharung sejuta dugaan

Biarkan bertatih
asalkan langkah itu yakin dan cermat
bagi memastikan negara
merdeka dan bangsa terpelihara
air mata sengsara
mengiringi setiap langkah bapa-bapa kita

Tugas kita bukan kecil
kerana mengisi kemrdekaan
rupanya lebih sukar dari bermandi
keringat dan darah menuntutnya

Lagi pula apalah ertinya kemerdekaan
kalau bangsaku asyik mengia dan menidakkan,
mengangguk dan membenarkan,
kerana sekalipun bangganya negara
kerana makmur dan mewahnya,
bangsaku masih melata
dan meminta-minta di negaranya sendiri

Bukan kecil tugas kita
meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita
kerana rupanya selain memerdekakan,
mengisi kemerdekaan itu jauh lebih sengsara

Bangsaku bukan kecil hati dan jiwanya
bukankah sejak zaman berzaman
mereka menjadi pelaut, pengembara
malah penakluk terkemuka?
Bukankah mereka sudah mengembangkan sayap,
menjadi pedagang dan peniaga

selain menjadi ulama dan
ilmuan terbilang?
Bukankah bangsaku pernah mengharung
samudera menjajah dunia yang tak dikenal
Bukankah mereka pernah menjadi
wira serantau yang tidak mengenal
erti takut dan kematian?
Di manakah silapnya hingga bangsaku
berasa begitu kecil dan rendah diri?
Apakah angkara penjajah?
Lalu bangsaku mulai
melupakan kegemilangan silam
dan sejarah gemilang membina empayar

Tugas kita belum selesai rupanya
bagi memartabat dan
memuliakan bangsa
kerana hanya bangsa yang berjaya
akan sentiasa dihormati

Rupanya masih jauh dan berliku jalan kita
bukan sekadar memerdeka dan mengisinya
tetapi mengangkat darjat dan kemuliaan
buat selama-lamanya

Hari ini, jalan ini pasti semakin berliku
kerana masa depan belum tentu
menjanjikan syurga
bagi mereka yang lemah dan mudah kecewa

Perjuangan kita belum selesai
kerana hanya yang cekal dan tabah
dapat membina mercu tanda
bangsanya yang berjaya

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Mei 1996

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Letak Jawatan

Tun Mahathir letak jawatan 2002

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad - Melayu Jangan mudah lupa lagi !!!

Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya dipijak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya retak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya teriak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya haprak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya kelas dua
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya hina
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya sengketa
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya derita
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya kerdil
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya terpencil
Melayu mudah lupa
Tiada daulat
Tiada maruah
Tiada bebas
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Sejarah bangsanya yang lena
Tanah lahirnya yang merekah berdarah
Wahai bangsaku
Jangan mudah lupa lagi
Kerana perjuanganmu belum selesai...

---------------------------------------- ----
"Melayu mudah lupa" merupakan kata kata hikmat mantan Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,yang akan tersemat dalam sanubari sebahagian besar Bangsa Melayu. Peringatan ini diluahkan melalui persembahan sajak oleh Presiden UMNO itu sendiri semasa ucapan pengulungan Presiden, Perhimpunan Agung UMNO pada 23 Jun 2001, untuk menyedarkan bahawa sifat negatif ini wujud dalam sistem orang Melayu agar sentiasa beringat, sedar keadaan mereka dan tidak cepat dan mudah selesa.

Hari ini, peringatan hikmat ini mempunyai makna baru. Hari ini, peringatan hikmat ini membawa konnotasi bahawa orang orang Melayu mudah alpa kepada jasa jasa orang lain keatas mereka, walaupun jasa jasa itu begitu besar dan dalam kesanya.

Beliau merupakan mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan Presiden UMNO dari 17 Julai 1981 hingga 31 Oktober 2003 dan dalam sejarah, merupakan pemimpin paling lama berkhidmat dijawatan tertinggi Negara itu. Dalam tempoh kepimpinan itu, begitu banyak perubahan dan pembangunan dilaksanakan untuk orang orang Melayu dan begitu ramai pemimpin pemimpin dikalangan orang orang Melayu diberikan peluang, sehingga mencapai ke peringkat tertinggi, terutama melalui UMNO.

13 October, 2008

Samy Vellu Shouted In Parliament

Samy Vellu shouted in Parliament Malaysia on 5 April 2007

YB Dato Seri S. Samy Vellu

Marvelous Hand Gestures! LOL!

Tengku Razaleigh - EGM Gua Musang - PART 4

Ucapan di EGM Gua Musang
04 April 2008

Tengku Razaleigh - EGM Gua Musang - PART 3

Ucapan di EGM Gua Musang
04 April 2008

Tengku Razaleigh - EGM Gua Musang - PART 1

Ucapan di EGM Gua Musang
04 April 2008

Tengku Razaleigh - EGM Gua Musang - PART 2

Ucapan di EGM Gua Musang
04 April 2008

Nik Abdul Aziz bidas pemimpin PAS kata 16hb September gagal

Nik Abdul Aziz bidas pemimpin PAS kata 16hb September gagal

Anwar Ibrahim: Malaysia Day Celebration 15/09/2008 (Part 4)

Anwar Ibrahim: Malaysia Day Celebration 15/09/2008 (Part 3)

Anwar Ibrahim told a 20,000-strong rally that he had the numbers to form a new government tomorrow and wants to meet with Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to discuss a handover.

Anwar Ibrahim: Malaysia Day Celebration (Part 2)

Anwar Ibrahim told a 20,000-strong rally that he had the numbers to form a new government tomorrow and wants to meet with Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to discuss a handover.

Anwar Ibrahim: Malaysia Day Celebration (Part 1)

Anwar Ibrahim told a 20,000-strong rally that he had the numbers to form a new government tomorrow and wants to meet with Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to discuss a handover.

05 October, 2008

Proclamation of the Independence of Malaya


In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be to God, the Lord of the Universe and may the blessings and peace of God be upon His Messengers.

WHEREAS the time has now arrived when the people of the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu will assume the status of a free independent and sovereign nation among nations of the World

AND WHEREAS by an agreement styled the Federation of Malaya Agreement, 1957, between Her Majesty the Queen and Their Highnesses the Rulers of the Malay States it was agreed that the Malay States of Johore, Pahang, Negri Sembilan, Selangor, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Trengganu and Perak and the former Settlements of Malacca and Penang should as from the 31st. day of August, 1957, be formed into a new Federation of States by the name of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu

AND WHEREAS it was further agreed between the parties to the said agreement that the Settlements of Malacca and Penang aforesaid should as from the said date cease to form part of Her Majesty's dominions and that Her Majesty should cease to exercise any sovereignty over them

AND WHEREAS it was further agreed by the parties aforesaid that the Federation of Malaya Agreement, 1948, and all other agreements subsisting between Her Majesty the Queen and Their Highnesses the Rulers or any one of them immediately before the said date should be revoked as from the date and that all powers and jurisdiction of Her Majesty or of the Parliament of the United Kingdom in or in respect of the Settlements aforesaid or the Malay States or the Federation as a whole should come to an end

AND WHEREAS effect has been given to the Federation of Malaya Agreement, 1957, by Her Majesty the Queen, Their Highnesses the Rulers, the Parliament of the United Kingdom and the Legislatures of the Federation and of the Malay States

AND WHEREAS a constitution for the Government of the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu has been established as the supreme law thereof

AND WHEREAS by the Federal Constitution aforesaid provision is made to safeguard the rights and prevogatives of Their Highnesses the Rulers and the fundamental rights and liberties of the people and to provide for the peaceful and orderly advancement of the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu as a constitutional monarchy based on Parliamentary democracy

AND WHEREAS the Federal Constituton aforesaid having been approved by an Ordinance of the Federal Legislatures, by the Enacments of the Malay States and by resolutions of the Legislatures of Malacca and Penang has come into force on the 31st. day of August 1957, aforesaid

NOW In the name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful, I TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN PUTRA ibni AL-MARHUM SULTAN ABDUL HAMID HALIMSHAH, PRIME MINISTER OF THE PERSEKUTUAN TANAH MELAYU, with the concurrence and approval of Their Highnesses the Rulers of the Malay States do hereby proclaim and declare on behalf of the people of the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu that as from the thirty first day of August, nineteen hundred and fifty seven, the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu comprising the States of Johore, Pahang, Negri Semblian, Selangor, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Trengganu, Perak, Malacca and Penang is and with God's blessing shall be for ever a sovereign democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people and the maintenance of a just peace among all nations.

Prime Minister

Kuala Lumpur, 31st. Day of August 1957

Proclamation of the Independence of Sarawak

September 16, 1963 was a memorable occasion for Sarawakians after Khir Johari read the Proclamation of Malaysia in the Kuching Central Padang followed by the hoisting of the Federal flag and the playing of “Negara Ku”, the YAB Chief Minister, Stephen Kalong Ningkan, then read the Proclamation of the Independence of Sarawak.

“Whereas one of the nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the English Rajahs was that the goal of self-government shall always be kept in mind and that the people of Sarawak shall be entrusted in due course with the Governance of themselves:

And whereas this principle accords with the policy which Her Majesty’s Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland have always pursued in the Governance of those territories of the Commonwealth for those affairs Her Majesty’s Government have been responsible.

And whereas in pursuance of this principle Her Majesty’s Government by an agreement entered into on the 9th day of July, 1963, with the Government of the Federation of Malaya, the Government of the State of Singapore and the Governments of the Colonies of Sarawak and North Borneo it was agreed that the States of Singapore and the Colonies of Sarawak and North Borneo shall be federated with the Federation of Malaya, and that the said Federation shall be known as Malaysia:

And whereas Constitutions for Malaysia and for the States of Sarawak, Sabah and Singapore have been promulgated:

And whereas by a Proclamation made under Section 2 of the Malaysia Act the 16th day of September, 1963 has been proclaimed as Malaysia Day:

Now therefore I, Stephen Kalong Ningkan, the Chief Minister of Sarawak, hereby proclaim that Sarawak has this day attained independence as the State of Malaysia.”

The Star Online: Nation

Din Merican: the Malaysian DJ Blogger

Che Det

rocky's bru

Anwar Ibrahim


Sassy MP

